Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hi Everyone
Thanks for stopping in!  Ok, well I'm just getting going on this and working
through the uh..."knowledge upload"...not exactly the type of webprograms I have used
in the past, so it has a little learning curve. haha!  But bear with me, and come back
and see me.  I'm trying to figure out how to upload a picture in a post, so
if it looks goofy, you'll know why.  I think I put that one at the bottom in the wrong spot. LOL!

I think I did it!!!!!!  :) 

Ok, these are my little Pearls of Wisdom bottles.  I have lots of little antiquated ink bottles I thought would look cute with a few pearls, and this little poem.  There are a few in there with little rocks, or sand too.  Makes for a darling display don't you think? :)